Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy

Last Updated: December 09, 2020

Thank you for visiting a Bold LLC ("Provider," "we" or "us") offering. To help inform you, we provide this notice ("Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy") on our family of websites as well as our other related mobile websites, mobile Provider applications ("mobile apps"), services, tools, and other applications that links to this notice (collectively, the "Site"). This Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy governs your consent to our use, as well as third party partners and vendors, of a variety of cookies and tracking technologies. You can find out more about these technologies and how to control them in the information below. This Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy forms part of the Provider Privacy Policy available at Privacy Policy






    (a) When you first visit our Site - before accepting our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy - we collect usage information sent to us by your computer, mobile, or other access device that tells us how you are using the Sites ("usage information") without collection of any personal data. Once you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, we use other tracking technologies (including cookies, web beacons/GIFs, embedded scripts, e-tags/cache browsers) to collect usage information. We may use these sort of tracking technologies for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to:

    Strictly-Necessary. We may use cookies/tracking technologies required for system administration, to prevent fraudulent activity, improve security or allow you to make use of shopping cart functionality.

    Analytics and Performance-Related. We use information collected through the use of cookies/tracking technologies to evaluate our Site's effectiveness and to improve your experience when you visit. Cookies/tracking technologies used on our Site are not used by us for the purpose of identifying who you are or to send you targeted advertising. For example, we may use cookies/tracking technologies for analytics and performance related purposed to:

    • determine the number of visitors to our Site, identify how visitors move around the Site and, in particular, which pages they visit. This allows us to improve our Site and our services;
    • determine, if data is available, from where in the world our Site is being visited so that we can ensure sufficient coverage; and
    • to collect information, where available, about your computer or mobile device for system administration purposes, such as your IP address, operating system and browser type.

    Functionality-Related. We may use tracking technologies to tell us in anonymized terms, for example, whether you have visited the Site before or if you are a new visitor and to help us identify the features in which you may have the greatest interest.

    Targeting-Related. We may use tracking technologies to deliver content, including ads, relevant to your interests on our Site and third-party sites based on how you interact with our advertisements or content as well as track the content you access (including video viewing).

    (b) We may also collect password information from you when you log in, as well as computer and/or connection information. During some visits, we may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, time spent on certain pages and page interaction information.

    (c) Our goal is to collect and use only that information that we think is required for our legitimate business interests, in order to better understand your interests and improve your experience of using the Site.

    (d) By entering into our Site, you agree to those certain cookies/tracking technologies that do not collect any personal data. When you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you consent to our use of additional cookies and tracking technologies and agree to this Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy. If you wish to opt-out from cookies and tracking technologies after entering our Site or providing your consent, you may do so as described in Section 3 below.

  2. Provider uses Mixpanel session cookies to provide meaningful reports about site visitors. We have also engaged Mixpanel to analyze the activities of visitors to this Site, and its authorized use of cookies and other tracking technologies enable it to have access to information of visitors to this Site including non-public information about you to determine your user traits and preferences to better understand user conversion rates.

    Cookies set via our Site include those listed below in Section 3.

    A few additional important things you should know about our use of cookies/tracking technologies on our Site:

    • We offer certain features that are available only through the use of tracking technologies.
    • We use both session and persistent tracking technologies. Tracking technologies (e.g., cookies) can either be persistent (i.e., they remain on your computer until you delete them) or temporary (i.e., they last only until you close your browser).
    • You are always free to decline tracking technologies through your browser, although doing so may interfere with your use of the Site. Refer to the help section of your browser, browser extensions, or installed applications for instructions on blocking, deleting, or disabling tracking technologies such as cookies.
    • We encode and protect the tracking technologies that Provider sets, so that only we can interpret the information stored in them.
    • You may encounter tracking technologies/cookies from our third-party service provider, that we have allowed on our Site that assist us with various aspects of our operations and services, such as Mixpanel.
    • You also may encounter tracking technologies from third parties on certain pages of the Site that we do not control and have not authorized. (For example, if you view a web page created by another user, there may be a cookie placed by that web page).

    When you accessed this Site or when you accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, cookies or other tracking technologies were sent to your web browser and stored on your computer or mobile device.

    If you wish to restrict, remove or refuse to accept cookies which are set by any Site (including this Site), you should do this through the browser settings for each browser you use to access the Internet. The Help function within your browser should tell you how to do so.

    The following third parties that collect information from you on our Site have given us notice that you may obtain information on their policies and practices as follows:

    Party For More Information Use of Tracking Technologies Privacy Choices
    Mixpanel Yes See information links in prior column

    For further information about how to restrict, remove, and refuse to accept cookies, visit or

    Note also that in some cases, restricting, removing or refusing to accept cookies may reduce or prevent the functionality of this and other sites.

    PLEASE ALSO NOTE: You allow collection and sharing of your personal data with third party vendors through these cookies. Even though we are not responsible for third-party policies or practices, we make our best efforts to ensure that these third-party vendors have privacy policies in place that comply with applicable privacy laws. We try to keep this information current, and will add to and subtract from the chart above as appropriate, but it is provided as a courtesy and may not be current or accurate. Please contact the applicable third parties regarding their privacy and data security policies and practices.

  4. For any queries in relation to this Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy please contact us at or write to us at BOLD LLC at City View Plaza II, Suite 6000, 48 Road 165, Guaynabo PR 00968.